Flight price scraper and flash sale finder using Selenium
More projects, notes, and tools can be found on the Projects page. The projects highlighted below are better documented and more fleshed out than what you'll find in the full listing. Sharing is caring. Feel free to copy, adapt, and redistribute these works any way you like as long as you share your work under the same license (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Flight price scraper and flash sale finder using Selenium
Embedded Linux cloud storage with a "Dropbox" style interface
Modifying a $1 FM transmitter for clean, wireless audio on a budget
Circuit bending an Alphabet Pal for experimental music and sounds
Brainwave, voice, and smartphone control of room lights
Mr. Bock, a first foray into homebrewing
SimpleSeq, a MIDI instrument and controller made with minimal components
Fireplace.html, a cozy fireplace in your web browser
Baking a laptop graphics card to repair fractured solder joints